More than pilots, mechanics, and ticket agents, the job of an Airline Flight Attendant can get your travelling the world for free and an interesting career in aviation.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Ongoing F/A Smoking study

Hello. My name is Cecilia Yu. I am the new Flight Attendant (FAMRI) Study recruiter at UCSF. UCSF has an ongoing medical research of Flight Attendants and the effects of occupational secondhand smoke exposure in airline cabinets. Please help us in recruiting more participants for our study.

In the past you have contacted us in response to our requests for Flight Attendants to participate in our Second Hand Smoke Study. We are looking for post-ban Flight Attendants to participate in our study. Participants should expect to have either a resting pulmonary function test, and/or an exercise Pulmonary Function test (PFT), followed by an examination by one of our physicians. The study is a one-day event at UCSF in San Francisco. Participants will be paid $100 upon completion of your appointment. In addition, parking and lunch vouchers will be given.

I would like to remind you that for every Flight Attendant you refer and who participates in our study, we will send you a $5.00 Starbuck’s gift card. Keep us in mind if you have any chapter meetings or know of any conventions where we could perhaps send a guest speaker.

We have a facebook page under UCSF FLIGHT ATTENDANT STUDY GROUP. Feel free to add us and post comments on our wall.

Please contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of service to you in the future. I can be reached by phone at 1-800-767-6906 or my cell phone 415-412-0872. I can also be reached by email at Thank you for your help.

Web address:
Phone # 1-800-767-6906


Cecilia Yu

Cecilia Yu
University of California, San Francisco
FAMRI Bland Lane
3130 20th Street, Box 0898
San Francisco, CA 94143
Phone: 415-412-0872
Fax: 415-502-4948


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